Why does your company need an app?
If your company does not yet have an application, you need to obtain one. Having only an online presence is no longer enough,especially when users' online activity moves to their mobile. Applications have become an important marketing tool for owners of small and medium enterprises.
Mobile applications increase in engagement with users. They allow more frequent visits to your brand and a variety of online transactions, including discount coupons, promotions, payments, etc.
Applications send coupons and ads to users, creating more sales. The apps also generate greater proximity with users, which allows higher levels of engagement than just a website. We can say that there are 4 basic reasons for you to have an app:
1. Consumer
oyalty Help loyalty, giving "gifts" to the most active users or who buy frequently in the app.
2. Social
Network Applications help users to share content on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
3. Push notifications
Allows users to know discounts, news, offers, etc.
4. Personalization
Companies can customize the interactions they have with users with location alerts, easy payments, etc.